Tuesday 6 March 2012

Equipment ► Audio-Technica AT2020 USB Microphone

Originally I was planning on getting a good high end over ear headset that had a decent microphone along with amazing quality. As I looked into the G35 logitech headset I loved everything except one - the actual quality of the microphone. The last few days I've been looking for a headset that had just as good quality as the G35 but a good microphone for me to record commentaries, reviews and gameplay on but just couldn't settle on a solid product.

I stopped and thought to myself. Why am I trying to get a studio quality microphone out of a GAMING headset? Surely if I went high enough in price I could find a decent one but no microphone that's attached to a headset could possibly come close to a mounted, studio quality, dedicated microphone. That's when I came across this beauty. Coming in at around $170 local, it delivers crystal clear audio while enhancing my voice to capture your attention while gameplay is running in the background no problem. With this I hope to make the most enjoyable experience for my future viewers and perhaps it will help me grow and appeal to people looking for absolute quality.

Just wanted to do a short blog post updating you guys on my progession and so far everything is going perfect, maybe even better due to the fact that I came across this microphone.


Monday 5 March 2012

Star Wars: The Old Republic ► Patch 1.2

A lot of talk has been going on about the next patch update and I'm here to confirm some of the highlights that WILL be included!

First of all, we have a lot of MAJOR updates to let all of you fans know about!

Some of the main ones include, but are not limited to... -

A completely new Warzone, Operation, and Flashpoint along with guild banks and User Interface customization!

One of the main ones here, at least in my perspective and experience is the UI customization. Hordes of people have been complaining about the "terrible UI" that the game has to offer and now they'll be able to customize it to their liking.

A new Warzone will also give players the chance to mix up their experience from the standard 3 Warzones that came with the game, reported starting to bore the players.

Guild banks are nice, giving you the ability to share items and currency via your guild making things a lot easier for leaders.

A new Operation and Flashpoint will keep players busy at level 50 with more content and items to gain!

Also coming your way this patch will be...

The ability to kick in-active players from Warzones!
A brand new tier of PvP gear named "War Hero" !
New lightsaber color options as well as PvP crafting!
Addressing lots of balance issues and bug fixes!
Ranked PvP!
Last but not least, letting more Warzones be queueable vs the same faction to reduce the chances of getting huttball constantly!

That's all for now, thanks for reading,

Review ► Terraria

It was about November 10th when I learned about Terraria, I was doing a magazine project at school and was looking for games to actually review and stumbled across a tweet by Notch saying that Terraria looked like it could turn out to be a great game.

I continued onto the unofficial forum (at the time) of Terraria and did some research on the core game mechanics, what the main elements are and basically what you're going to be able to do.

Before I even finished looking at everything; I was hooked. I was rounding up countless friends to follow this game and making threads on every forum I participate in in hope to get the game some more fans. At the time there was only about 2000~ people following the game, including me and it still looked like an amazing idea at the time.

For anyone who doesn't know what Terraria is, and I hate to say it like this - but it's basically a game inspired by Minecraft in some sense but has a huge emphasis on the exploring/bosses while Minecraft is more about building.

Wait, you looked at Minecraft and Terraria and they barely look the same?! - That's because of one big point, Terraria is a 2D sidescroller! It possibly was what many people were looking for, combining an amazing developing team, elements of games that everybody has loved in the past such as Minecraft, Zelda and old RPG's and put it into a polished and finished product!

For the art, I give the game a 9/10. You're probably wondering WHY it would get a 9/10 for me because it's 2D, right? Well, the art was obviously MEANT to be 2D and for what they had in mind they did an amazing job. Everything is amazingly polished including the character sprites, environment and interactive content.

Replay value is a huge part in games and it's what makes people stay dedicated to the game and continue to follow and play it. For Terraria, unfortunately, it's a little lacking. You complete all the bosses, get all the items and what happens? You find yourself getting bored with nothing to do. HOWEVER, even though the replay value is low, the developers are constantly releasing weekly updates to the game ranging from new mobs, bosses, zones, items and sometimes even graphics/physics updates and updates to the interface. Despite the huge stream of updates always coming in, I give the replay value a 6/10 because it leaves you with more or less nothing to do at what you call "end game".

Unless you listen to music that deafens most while playing Terraria, the audio is a big part of your experience. First of all, the actual soundtrack and background music that plays is gorgeous - it's not only pleasing the first time you hear it but I found myself actually opening Terraria and having the music playing in the background while I'm doing other things. Aside from the breathtaking music that you'll be hearing, all the noises that your swords, bows and spells make are just perfect. Everything from hearing your pickaxe hit a piece of stone to slashing into a giant eyeball with your sword is, in one word - perfect. I give it a 10/10 in the audio department because there's nothing I really can pick out that they haven't fixed through updates.

For the final verdict I give the game a score of 8/10.

It's TRULY an amazing game and I suggest anyone to pick it up as it's at a very low price for what you're paying for. It ranged from 10-15$ on steam and you can even find it for 5$ or under on sale. There's so much content and new things that you'll be able to enjoy and the developers that made this game are some of the best I've ever seen at releasing content, connecting with the community and actually responding to support questions. The only thing that lowers the score is the replay value - they can't really do anything about that though due to the type of game it is but you can always  hop online to try and spice things up and get a different feeling! At one point, however, you WILL get bored and find that you'll have nothing to due but wait for the next content patch.


Sunday 4 March 2012

Rumored Valve "Steam Box" Console!

It could "revolutionize the PC Gaming industry" is what a lot of people are saying, but, will it really be that good?

Source - The Verge - states that Valve has shown potential partners a console that includes PC specs equivalent to an i7 processor, 8GB's of ram and a nvidia graphics card. While this doesn't give us much as to what it would be able to do, it is rumored to be "able to run any PC game available" while using a console style controller.

What does this mean to me?

Well, I think it means that it could be good in some ways and bad in others because it will simply be trying to combine the power of a PC and it's games while providing customers with a more relaxed and laid back gaming style of a PS3/Xbox 360 similar controller.

While not much information has been released and this is all just pure speculation, Valve has also rumored that they would be making their own brand name games platform similar to PS3/Xbox 360 and will be competing with other services on the same level.

What does everyone else think of this? Who knows, it's exciting to know that they were definitely thinking about it but it's also a bore that it's just a rumor. Stay tuned for more information regarding this!

Blog up, temporary until situated!

So I decided that I'd make the first blog post about the situation I'm currently in...

For a while now I've wanted to make a gaming channel but haven't had enough power or time to do so. About a month ago the idea popped into my head again and I thought to myself; why not!

Currently, I don't have my computer I'll be recording with but in a month or two I'm putting a periodic monthly payment in to buy my own audio recording equipment and a computer that will be able to handle 1080p recording on any game so I can give you guys the BEST quality along with crystal clear commentary on every single video.

This blog, however, is probably just temporary. I'll be using it until I get situated and probably have a new one up by September that will include a unique domain. This should be able to hold off anybody that's interested in following me and I'll be posting daily on here to give you guys the latest news, information and insight into the gaming world!

(Remember, be sure to follow me on twitter and subscribe to me on youtube! You can find me on twitter #Gamingpubs and youtube at www.youtube.com/Gamingpubs !)

Thanks for reading,